How to hide my ip address for free
How to hide my ip address for free

how to hide my ip address for free

See the difference between a proxy and a VPNĪ VPN works sort of like a proxy in that it changes your IP address, but it also offers protection for all internet traffic leaving your computer. These generally come bundled with a Virtual Private Network (VPN), so in that case, it's good to know the differences between the two services.

#How to hide my ip address for free free#

While free proxy servers are easy to find, easy to set up, and they will effectively hide your IP, a much better alternative is to use a paid, trusted proxy server. Furthermore, a great article on Wired talks about how proxy servers are becoming increasingly unsafe. If you decide to use a free proxy, make sure you don't transmit any personal information, and consider using a proxy checker, like the one created by haschek solutions. There are a number of free proxies available, but they are generally not very trustworthy. Interested parties can still see the traffic between your computer and the proxy, so they are best used when dealing with non-sensitive data. You send a request out, and the proxy intercepts and fulfills the request under its own IP. The proxy server acts sort of like a mask when you're browsing the web. Using a proxy server is probably the easiest way to hide your IP address, especially if you only need to hide it temporarily. There are plenty more reasons not listed here that we won't get into (make sure you stay on the legal side of things no matter what you do), and there are a few ways you can make sure your actual IP address is not discovered. These are a couple of basic reasons you might want to hide or mask your IP. Is there a geo-restricted website or video you really want to watch? Hiding your IP will trick the other party into thinking you're located somewhere you aren't - somewhere that can get past the geo-restriction. Hiding your IP address can be a defensive tactic, but it can also be an offensive tactic. Just like someone can track you down when they know your home address, they can also track you down (in a virtual sense) when they know your IP address.

how to hide my ip address for free

Your IP address can be used against you for those annoying ads, and it can also be used for more malicious purposes. Have you ever seen advertisements on the sides of your browser that tell you there's something going on in your city? Those aren't a coincidence - and there probably aren't actually any singles looking to mingle. Since most of the IP address stuff is taken care of automatically when you connect to the internet, why should you care? For example, when you launch a web browser and type a URL (such as the DNS recognizes it, finds the IP address of the site, and sends it back to be displayed on your screen. Instead of having to type specific IP addresses into a web browser, something called a Domain Name System (DNS) exists which translates URLs into IPs. They use a 128-bit address, which provides an enormous number of possible options - more than will be needed for a long, long time. IPv6 addresses were introduced as an answer to the waning number of available IPv4 addresses. An IPv4 address usually looks something like this: Due to its 32-bit format, there are only about 4 billion possible addresses available. The former was introduced back in the '80s but is still used for most internet traffic today. There are two main types of IP address: IPv4 and IPv6. It's sort of like how you differentiate homes on a street by their numbers, except here the numbers are longer. To keep track of the computers on the internet, each one that's connected is assigned an IP address.

how to hide my ip address for free

That big place is filled with websites and connected computers that access and host them. In the case of an IP address, that step is hiding it from the public. Nothing would usually come of wearing your address prominently on your jacket, but that one time something did happen you'd wish you'd taken a precautionary step. However, when you browse the internet, that's sort of what happens, except with your internet protocol (IP) address. When you head out into public, to a coffee shop to meet friends or a convenience store for some supplies, you don't usually have your phone number or home address pasted to the back of your jacket.

How to hide my ip address for free